MSM Recovery Gel


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MSM RECOVERY GEL: TWIN (2), VALUE PACKS (4) & THERAPIST PACKS (10) NOW AVAILABLE (500ml bottles only) – Buy in bulk and save!

MSM is short for the sulphur rich natural substance Methylsulfonylmethane. In this case, it‘s been combined with devil’s claw and menthol, to form a gel that’s pleasant to apply on the skin. The naturally ethereal active ingredients are quickly absorbed by the skin, and notably contribute to the regeneration of the treated area. MSM is a natural sulphur compound, which is found in our food too. The gel is recommended particularly for use in areas where there is injured tissue, inflammation, after strenuous exercise, or after long periods of standing. It couldn’t be easier to use – simply massage into the skin in the area once or twice a day, depending on the injury or inflammation.

MSM can also be fed as a supplement, however it often causes stomach problems and even ulcers. Using our MSM Recovery Gel, which is applied externally, means you can protect your horse’s stomach, whilst still reaping the therapeutic benefits of MSM.

May be used to:

  • Support the regeneration of tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints
  • Contribute to the health of the musculoskeletal system


Application recommendations: Apply and massage several times a day or as needed in the area of muscles and joints.

Ingredients: Plant based gel forming substances, MSM, Devil’s Claw extracts, Alcohol

Please follow the national and international anti-doping provisions. A waiting period of 96 hours is recommended.


Here are a few of the very exciting feedbacks we received from customers who tried MSM Recovery Gel:

– Melina
I tested the gel on my older horse. I didn’t use it daily, but on cold and wet days, or when his arthritis or other little issues on his legs made him stiff and he just wasn’t moving nicely. I noticed significant improvement in the following days, and after several uses when I used the gel on his legs it provided really quick relief. I haven’t experienced this kind of relief with any other product. My youngster had a paddock accident, where he collided with another horse. In this accident he sustained nerve damage, and after daily application of the gel I also noticed rapid improvements in his gaits (movements). This meant we could finally start properly working him again!

– Aline
The gel was especially helpful with acute arthritis. With regular use, the leg doesn’t even get warm in the first place. The horse was definitely moving much better. The effects of the gel became really noticeable after the first container was empty, and we couldn’t treat the horse for a while. Just now during the winter was the beginning of the second test phase, and the leg was slightly swollen. We applied the gel and a day later the leg was completely normal again. During the application, the horse was calm and stood still. I also tested it on my own skin, and found that it really doesn’t burn, itch, etc. The gel is pleasant in its application and I can therefore only recommend it.
We used this on an 18 year old horse with suspensory tendon problems. Our farrier and our horse trainer both advised us that the tendons were very inflamed and that we should wrap his legs before riding. They both advised that they were not in a good way and may even snap. I had booked an appointment with the vet just when the MSM Gel arrived so I decided that I would trial it on the tendons whilst waiting on the vet. I applied the gel twice a day over the affected tendons and within 5 days they had returned to normal. We still had the vet attend in case I was imagining things, but he confirmed that the tendon inflammation was no longer present and they felt in good order.

The following week we decided to try it on an inflamed muscle on the same horse, which we purchased with saddle sores already present. The shoulder/wither was swollen from the saddle pressure. We did the same thing and put the gel on morning and night. Same result – the inflammation went down considerably.

At that time we had our horse massager/chiro come out and I told him about the gel. He asked me if I could give him some because he was having a lot of trouble with the joints in his hands from many years of working on horses. He has been using the once a day and yesterday he showed me his hands. They looked like different hands, half the size that they were when I saw him the previous visit. Needless to say he is a fan, and wishes to order another bottle.

– Jen
I have only had a chance to start using the gel as of Friday the 20th. I wanted to start sooner but was advised by the physio that because of the menthol in the gel it was best left off areas that were covered with heavy rugs. We had a cold snap and rain so ponies went into winter rugs for the week. However, on the Friday as I mentioned the pony was still sore on his right shoulder and (as you suggested) his diagonal hind which appeared to be a hamstring. Due to the weather returning to mild I treated the suspect area on the shoulder and the hamstrings on both sides. I also treated the area on the neck just in front of the wither, which had formed a noticeable dip, and also the muscles on his neck running down the shoulder to his chest. I did this for 4 days. During that time I lightly lunged and then on Tuesday had a lesson. He was moving almost as normal and much freer than he was for the last month actually. Specifically he found it much easier to be in self carriage and much less heavy in the hand as he was for a good month or so (he is not normally heavy in the hand). I have a lady who does Emmett Therapy on him. She saw him the next day and noticed immediately a difference in the way he was holding himself generally, and how much freer he moved both in front and behind. She also pointed out that the dip in front of the wither had filled in almost completely. I will continue to use the gel in particular in the hamstring area as he has suffered with soreness there for most of his life likely due somewhat to his confirmation. I will continue also in the neck and shoulder area as he does carry tension in that area due to his soft palate displacement issues.

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